Friday, 17 March 2017

My Reflection

My Reflection🍩😎😜😝Maths: This week in maths we have been learning about what place values are. When I was with Mr Gemmell, I answered Place Value is Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands and so on. I found it easier working alone with our follow up questions. I found it difficult working on my F.I.O with a lot of noise. I taught the class (with Kayla) how to play the Area Game. Ella and I played the Area Game and we made quite clever piece of art work. Image result for mr gum books

Reading: For reading this week I am Reading Mr Gum and the secret Hideout: Related imageI liked how the little girl Polly is described as a superhero and Friday the elderly has worked on other jobs except working in an Office that he can build. With Mr Gemmell we read a poem called The Sink written by Greg O'Connell. We read this book because it was about Similes and Metaphors which we are learning in Writing (coming up).

Writing: In Writing we are learning about Similes and Metaphors. We had to go with our buddies (buddy was Israel). My sentence is: The Black lion cub lingers around his parents like a baby has just learnt how to walk. I liked this sentence because I liked Black Cubs. I found it difficult trying to think of a sentence straight away instead we had like 2 minutes to figure a sentence out.

Spelling: This Friday I had my spelling pattern test this morning I got 10 out of 10 which is an achievement for me because the other times I have done spelling pattern test I have got either between 2 and 4 wrong at least ( so I have officially achieved my goal. Yay! 😁😏). For my alphabetical list I got 2 words wrong which were: decent and ferocious. At first I spelt decent as descent and ferocious as furocious.

Others: On Thursday Kahikatea Team went to climb Pirongia Mountain. At first it was pretty boring ( I thought so) but when it came to the stream watching Mrs Hobbs slip in the stream was actually pretty funny ( and getting soggy shoes and socks was funny to). And then after that it got really fun. I thought the biking track was long but cool and tiring.